What are the material type options for my service lines?

Published September 8th, 2023

Under the Revised Lead and Copper Rule, utilities need to define the material of the service line on the system-owned and customer-owned portions of the line. This article contains a list of all the material type options available in the 120Water platform as well as detailed descriptions of some material types.

The following values are material types that will contribute to an overall EPA Material Classification of Lead or Galvanized Requiring Replacement 

120Water Value EPA Reporting Category Description
Lead Lead Pipe is made up entirely or partially of lead. If a partial replacement was performed and there is still some lead in place, then the service line segment should be classified as Lead.
Lead-Lined Galvanized Iron/Steel Lead Indistinguishable from a standard Galvanized Iron/Steel pipe from the outside, however during the manufacturing process, a lead coating is applied to the inside of the pipe to control corrosion/rust of the iron. Since the entire interior of the pipe is lead, these are considered the same as a Lead Service Line to the EPA.
Galvanized Iron/Steel - Requiring Replacement  Galvanized Requiring Replacement An iron or steel pipe that has a zinc plating applied to help control corrosion/rust. ‘Galvanized Iron/Steel - Requiring Replacement’ is used to indicate the pipe was previously or is currently downstream from a lead service line. While the EPA does not currently require replacement if downstream from a lead gooseneck/pigtail/fitting, some states may.
Galvanized Iron/Steel - Lead Contact Unknown Galvanized Requiring Replacement An iron or steel pipe that has a zinc plating applied to help control corrosion/rust. ‘Galvanized Iron/Steel - Lead Contact Unknown’ should be used when it is not known whether the service line segment is/was downstream of lead. For EPA classification purposes, this will be equivalent to ‘Galvanized Iron/Steel - Requiring Replacement’ due to the potential of lead being present.


The following values are material types that will contribute to an overall EPA Material Classification of Lead Status Unknown unless the material on the other portion of the service line is any of the material types listed above.

120Water Value EPA Reporting Category Description
Unknown - Likely Lead Lead Status Unknown

Exact material is not known, but has a high potential to be lead.

Unknown - Likely Galvanized Iron/Steel Lead Status Unknown Exact material is not known, but has a high potential to be Galvanized Iron/Steel.
Unknown - Unlikely Lead Lead Status Unknown Exact material is not known, but isn't very likely to be lead.
Unknown - Material Unknown Lead Status Unknown No knowledge of material


The remainder of material type options in the 120Water platform are materials classified as Non-Lead. These material types will contribute to an overall EPA Material Classification of Non-Lead unless the EPA Reporting Category of the material on the other portion of the service line is Lead Status Unknown, Lead, or Galvanized Requiring Replacement. 

Non-Lead Copper Copper
Non-Lead Brass Brass
Non-Lead Cast Iron Cast iron that is not galvanized
Non-Lead Wrought Iron Wrought iron that is not galvanized
Non-Lead Ductile Iron Ductile iron that is not galvanized
Non-Lead Steel Steel that is not galvanized
Non-Lead Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Non-Lead Plastic Plastic, but the specific type is unknown
Non-Lead - HDPE Plastic - High-Density Polyethylene
Non-Lead - PVC Plastic - Polyvinyl Chloride
Non-Lead - PEX Plastic - Cross-Linked Polyethylene
Non-Lead - ABS Plastic - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Non-Lead - Polybutylene Plastic - Polybutylene
Non-Lead - Polyethylene Plastic - Polyethylene
Non-Lead - Asbestos Cement Asbestos-Cement pipe, also referred to as Transite