Navigating the Service Line Inventory Map View

This article will outline the various ways you can utilize the inventory map to view and edit your service line inventory

When navigating to your inventory in the 120Water platform, by default you are taken to a GIS based map view of your service line inventory. This map allows you to see where your system has high concentrations of lead service lines, unknowns, or non-lead lines. You can filter data on this map to concentrate on exactly what you'd like to see and make updates to your service lines directly from this view. Watch the video below to see this in action! 

Note: When viewing the map, you'll see question marks and check marks. The check marks mean the service line is notated as non-lead. The question mark means the material type of the service line is unknown. 

💡120Water Pro Tips:

  • We like to suggest filtering the map based view to display unknown service lines that you are actively working on updating to lead or non-lead. If you are concentrating on updating material classifications for a certain neighborhood, zooming in on that location and updating directly from the map can be more efficient than searching address by address from the list view. 
  • Remember, if you see two question marks side by side on your map, that means that both the customer-owned and system-owned portions of the service line are unknown.