How to Setup SFTP with 120Water

This article goes over the process of setting up a SSH File Transfer Protocol.


Managing data efficiently across multiple systems can be challenging. For 120Water users, implementing SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) provides a secure and automated way to update data, ensuring synchronization and reducing manual effort.

What is SFTP?

SFTP is a secure method for transferring data over the internet, offering encryption to protect sensitive information. Unlike FTP, SFTP encrypts both commands and data, preventing unauthorized access.

Setting Up SFTP with 120Water

To use SFTP with 120Water, follow these steps:

1. Contact 120Water Support: Reach out to your Client Success Manager or Support to set up a private SFTP folder for your account.
2. Generate an SSH Key: This involves creating a pair of keys – a private key, which should be securely stored on your system, and a public key, which you send to 120Water. Use the following command to generate these keys:

   ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f my-120-sftp-key

   You'll be prompted to enter a passphrase, which adds an extra layer of security.

3. Send the Public Key to 120Water: Keep the private key secure and share only the public key with 120Water to enable access to the SFTP server.

Connecting to the SFTP Server

Once your SFTP access is set up, you can connect using any SFTP client software, such as the command line, FileZilla, or WinSCP. Here’s an example using the command line:


The first time you connect, you might see a warning about the host's authenticity. Type `yes` to proceed. After connecting, you can use standard FTP commands like `ls` to list directory contents.

Using FileZilla

FileZilla is a popular SFTP client. Configure it with the following settings:
- Host: ``
- User: Your assigned username
- Key file: Your SSH private key

Once connected, you can browse and manage files on the SFTP server.

Loading Data through SFTP

Data can be added or updated by uploading CSV or Excel files to the appropriate folders on the SFTP server. The folder structure includes:
- `combined`: For combined location and service line data
- `contacts`: For contact data
- `events`: For event data
- `locations`: For location data
- `servicelines`: For service line data

When you upload a file, the system automatically starts an import job, which you can monitor in the Import Log section of the PWS Portal. This log will show the status of the import and any errors that occurred.

SFTP Import Process Flow

1. Upload File: Place your CSV or Excel file in the corresponding folder on the SFTP server.
2. Automatic Detection: The system detects the new file and initiates the import process.
3. Monitor Import: Check the Import Log in the PWS Portal to view the status and results of the import.

This process ensures that data is securely and efficiently updated in the 120Water system, supporting robust and reliable data management. Using SFTP with 120Water streamlines the process of updating and managing data, reducing manual work and enhancing security. For any assistance, contact your Client Success Manager or 120Water Support.