How to import locations & service lines in bulk

If you would like to import both your locations and service lines at once, this article has you covered.

If you'd like to bulk import new locations & service lines at once, or edit existing data in bulk, you'll want to utilize the 120Water Locations & Service Lines template or your state specific template (if available). 

We recommend this process if you are creating or updating more than 100 records at once, or if you already have existing spreadsheets pulled from billing systems, work order systems, etc. 

Watch the video below to learn how this process works: 


💡120Water Pro Tips:

  • It's critical that you do not edit the column headers on the 120Water template. This will cause your import to fail. 
  • To potentially speed up the processing of your import, it's OK to disable Address Matching in the platform. The video above suggests you do it, but it's not required for processing. 
  • The only required fields are street address, city, and zip code. Other fields may be required for your inventory submission, however, these are the only required fields for import. 
  • It's also important to follow the guidelines listed in the 120Water Template Documentation. This may look daunting, but only focus on the fields you are working to complete such as address and material classification. That makes this more digestable. You'll need to make sure your data is entered exactly as prescribed in this guidance to reduce errors. 
  • Depending on the file size and number of customers importing at once, it may take up to 30 minutes for the import to complete. If you've waited longer than that, reach out to and our team can investigate any issues that may be occurring.  

What if my import fails or has errors?

This section will help troubleshoot issues that you might be having related to importing locations & service lines.

Important Items to Note:
  • It's critical that you do not edit the column headers on the 120Water template. This will cause your import to fail. 
  • Not all columns are required fields. If you do not have information for an optional field, we recommend leaving it blank to reduce errors. 
  • It's also important to follow the guidelines listed in the 120Water Template Documentation. This may look daunting, but only focus on the fields you are working to complete such as address and material classification. That makes it more digestable. You'll need to make sure your data is entered exactly as prescribed in this guidance to reduce errors. 
  • Ensure your file name is short and sweet. Longer file names can sometimes cause issues with the import process. 
  • Try not to use all capital letters when filling in your template. Fields can be case sensitive. 
  • Import warnings can generally be disregarded because they are simply highlighting blank fields and will not cause your import to fail. 

Common Errors:

  • Ensure that your address is not missing any components. It needs to be a verifiable address. Ensure the address is split into components such as street address line 1, city, state, and zip code are filled out accurately and in accordance with your Template Documentation. 

Example: Make sure 123 Main Street is contained within Street Address 1 and not spilt up (i.e. 123 under Street Address 1 and Main Street under Street Address 2

  • If you select the 120Water Locations & Service Lines import template, ensure you use that to completion. We've seen errors where users select the 120Water option, but then upload their State Template instead. 
  • If adding a value to the Year Built field, ensure that it is the four digit year or date. Inputting "98" or a value of "1" will cause the import to fail. 
  • In states such as Rhode Island where zip codes can begin with a '0', ensure that Excel didn't remove the leading '0' in the field. 
  • If you have two locations or service lines with the same address, you'll need to specify if they have different external location ID's or 120Water ID's. This will help with the address verification process and ensure data is mapped correctly. 
  • Ensure that you follow the 120Water Template Documentation when completing all fields, but pay extra special attention when adding your material classification types. For example, PVC is not an acceptable value. It must read Non-Lead - PVC, which is listed as the SelectionValue in our documentation. Ensuring you are following our documentation will set your import up for success.  
  • Your file name may be too long. If your file name has several characters, try shortening it to see if that will eliminate the processing error.
  • Ensure your file name contains no special characters such as a "*".
  •  Ensure there are no special characters such as "*" in any of the spreadsheet cells.