Getting Started with 120Water
What's New
Compliance Journey HQ
Manage Your Account
Manage Your Locations
Build & Submit Your Inventory
Service Line Verification
Manage Service Line Replacements
Manage Your Communications Program
Manage Your LCR Sampling Program
Consumer Request Sampling Programs
Point of Use Pitchers & Filters
How can I find the Help Center in the 120Water Platform?
Need some assistance navigating the platform? Look no further!
If you need to access the Help Center while working in the PWS platform, you can click on the "Question Mark" in the top right corner of the screen.
This will bring up a drop down for you. Selecting "Help Center" will bring you back here (thank goodness...we missed you!).
You can also bookmark https://pws-hc.120water.com/pws-helpcenter to ensure you always have this website handy.