Getting Started: Locations

In the Locations tab, you can view service addresses stored in the 120Water database.

In the Locations tab, you can view the service addresses in the 120Water database. Each address has a unique 120Water ID generated automatically when the location is created. If you provide an external ID (e.g., account number, meter number, or customer ID), it will appear in the External ID column. Using an external ID is highly recommended as it ensures smooth communication between 120Water and your systems.

Best Practice: Use a stable ID, like a meter number, that won't change over time. Avoid using account numbers that might change.

Once you have clicked into a Location, you will be taken to the Location Details page.  This view is here for a high level overview of that location. It provides information like coordinates, parcel number, year built, or any other data that we’re storing for that record specific to that location. 

To make updates, click “Edit Details” in the top right corner. Once you’ve clicked that,  you’ll notice most fields have dropdown menus where you can select the appropriate option that you’re wanting to update for that field. Be sure to click save before leaving the page.

Within this location record, you'll see that we have a few different sub tabs within this view. If we click on the Assets tab, you can view specific service line data for that given location. 

If you scroll down a little bit, you'll see that you have these sections separated by the system-owned portion of the service line and the customer-owned portion of the service line. Depending on which portion of the service line you're wanting to make updates to, you would need to make sure that you're updating that section of the record.

Creating a New Location

To add a new location (e.g., for new developments or growth), click Add Single Site in the top right of the Locations tab. Fill in the required fields (at least the street address) and click save.

Remember, creating a location doesn’t automatically create an asset or service line. To add one, go back into the location record, navigate to the Assets tab, and click Add Asset. Then, enter service line details, including material and classification basis.

Want to learn more about Locations? Check out Manage Your Locations.

If you have any questions, reach out to